Our Mission and Our Vision

Our Mission:
"We shall glorify and honor God by:
Our Vision:
We believe that God, fundamentally, wants to bless people. In fact, that's what God has been trying to do since the beginning. This blessing isn't primarily about material things, but about a new life. Jesus' call to "come and follow me" is an open call for the world to find this life that only exists through a relationship with Him. Our mission is to do what Jesus asked of us, and lead people into a growing relationship with Him.
We believe this is a big challenge. The church of the 1950's and 1960's is over. Millions of young people are growing up in a world where going to church is not the norm. But we are not alarmed. You see, we think God is bigger than that. By honoring our past and embracing our future, we believe that God has a significant plan not only for you, but for Old Tennent as well. We pray that you who read this will come and join us in this journey to find God and Glorify Him in this place.
"We shall glorify and honor God by:
- proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ;
- demonstrating God's love in our families, in service to others, and through our generosity and compassion to those in need;
- and through worship and sacrament in community with fellow believers."
Our Vision:
We believe that God, fundamentally, wants to bless people. In fact, that's what God has been trying to do since the beginning. This blessing isn't primarily about material things, but about a new life. Jesus' call to "come and follow me" is an open call for the world to find this life that only exists through a relationship with Him. Our mission is to do what Jesus asked of us, and lead people into a growing relationship with Him.
We believe this is a big challenge. The church of the 1950's and 1960's is over. Millions of young people are growing up in a world where going to church is not the norm. But we are not alarmed. You see, we think God is bigger than that. By honoring our past and embracing our future, we believe that God has a significant plan not only for you, but for Old Tennent as well. We pray that you who read this will come and join us in this journey to find God and Glorify Him in this place.